
Ellison Logistics LLC - RatesEllison Logistics LLC Rates

When it comes to your moving and hauling needs, Ellison Logistics LLC offers a range of competitive rates that are designed to provide you with transparent and fair options. Our goal is to ensure that you receive exceptional service without any hidden costs. We understand that every move is unique, which is why our pricing is customizable based on your specific requirements and distance.

Load & Move Rate Information

Explore the comprehensive load and move rate options below to find the package that perfectly fits your needs. Whether you’re moving within a 50-mile radius or require transportation to a destination 50 to 100 miles away, our rates are structured to offer flexibility and value.

Load & Move Rate Distance 1 Room
(50 miles)
1 Room
(50-100 miles)
2 Rooms
(50 miles)
2 Rooms
(50-100 miles)
3 Rooms
(50 miles)
3 Rooms
(50-100 miles)
Additional for Stairs
1 Room 50 miles $450 $650 $650 $850 $900 $1,250 $150
50-100 miles
2 Rooms 50 miles $650 $850 $650 $850 $900 $1,250 $150
50-100 miles
3 Rooms 50 miles $900 $1,250 $900 $1,250 $900 $1,250 $150
50-100 miles

Note: An additional fee for stairs applies for any of the above options.

Tailored Solutions for Your Needs

At Ellison Logistics LLC, we pride ourselves on offering more than just a rate card. We’re dedicated to creating tailored solutions that match your unique moving and hauling needs. Our team is here to assist you in making an informed decision that aligns with your budget and expectations. Whether you’re relocating within a short distance or embarking on a longer journey, we ensure that our rates remain competitive without compromising on the quality of service you deserve.

Get in Touch

For specific inquiries, custom quotes, or to discuss your individual requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re committed to providing you with the best moving and hauling solutions that not only meet your needs but also exceed your expectations.